Thank you for considering the ministry of Keith Barkley & Family Tradition to your community. We are grateful for every opportunity to share the light, life and love of Jesus Christ.
As you prayerfully consider your invitation, please review the information below. Please read carefully as it will prove helpful to you. It is for information purposes only and is in no way a confirmation that Keith Barkley & Family Tradition is scheduled for a service of any type.
The arrangements and policies outlined below are acceptable to you and are agreed upon unless otherwise negotiated. Any modifications made to these arrangements and policies must be specifically agreed to in writing by Keith Barkley Ministries. Thank you again for your kind consideration.
Compensation Policy
And in the same house remain, eating and drinking such things as they give: for the labourer is worthy of his hire. Go not from house to house. (Luke 10:7)
There are a number of Biblical principles that could be applicable to all who “labor” for the Lord. Two general principles found here is:
1) A laborer is not to go begging for support “from house to house,” but is free to accept such help as is offered.
2) Those who are called to full-time service for the Lord are worthy of support by those they serve.
Just as planning is done for pastor salary packages, visitation, prayer schedules, and preparations for other functions and special services, thought should be given to an evangelist’s travel expenses, personal remuneration, meal expenses and other costs involved.
We must nurture the evangelistic ministry. God gave it as a gift to the body of Christ. We need men and women who can visit congregations with a fresh voice of faith and a spiritual anointing that will stir the saints and convict the sinners. In order for them to continue to fill this role, pastors and churches must take to heart the real needs of those who are willing to make huge sacrifices to be available. That is not a lack of faith in God, just good communication – and wisdom.
God expects us to be good stewards of our time and our finances. If we want the evangelistic ministry to continue among us, we need to nurture it with sufficient compensation. Paying an evangelist well is an investment – not an expense.
Financial Requirements
o For concert-type events where tickets are sold or there is a charge for admission otherwise, a flat rate is required.
o For commercial sponsored and privately funded events where there is no admission charge and no
offering will be received, a flat rate is required.
o For revivals, a minimal fee, plus a love offering for each service is required.
o For a Sunday morning or evening worship service, a love offering is requested.
o For two or more Sunday services, a love offering for each service is requested, or a flat fee may be agreed upon prior to the scheduled services.
o For afternoon or “all day” Sunday Homecoming services, a minimal fee, plus a love offering for each service is required.
It is requested that offerings be combined into a single check in U.S. funds made payable to Rev. Keith Barkley and in the memo mark KBM and delivered to them prior to their departure from the event.
Travel Arrangements / Hotel Accommodations
In MOST cases, air travel and hotel accommodations are not necessary nor required. Depending on the demands of the ministry schedule, however, there are exceptions. In such cases deemed necessary, round trip air accommodations, hotel accommodations must be provided in addition to the agreed upon compensation.
Keith Barkley n& Family Tradition travels with 3 people in their team. Therefore, air travel and hotel arrangements must be provided as such.
Meal provision / meal expense reimbursement is not requested but will be accepted if offered. One way to defer costs is to have a fellowship meal following service. This will also help to minister to people as well as increase attendance for the event.
Product Sales / Display
An appropriate place with heavy traffic within every venue to display and sell, CD’s, videos and other ministry-related products is required. The space allotted for this must accommodate at least a 6 foot table and be conveniently accessible to the public.
We expect that all checks for materials be made payable to Keith Barkley and marked in the memo as KBM. All cash and credit card sales go directly to Keith Barkley, as well. We expect that no monies will be withheld from the sale of Keith Barkley Ministries product for any reason.
Arrival / Set-up
Access to the sanctuary or auditorium at least 2 hours before service time is requested for set-up and sound check. For early morning worship services, it may be necessary to access the building the evening prior. To allow timely set-up and adequate sound check, it is requested that no one be in the sanctuary during this time.
Promotional Materials
Biographies, photographs, flyers and music cd’s will be provided for promotional purposes. Prayer, preparation and promotion are the key elements to help ensure a successful event. As your budget allows, it is important to use every possible means of advertising – radio, newspaper, flyer distribution, internet and television. (All advertising can be produced by Keith Barkley Ministries and is available upon request in multiple types of downloadable media.)
Include an announcement in your church bulletin and announce it from the pulpit in the weeks prior to the event. Invite other churches and generate interest and excitement in your community. Generally, the response from your congregation is greatly influenced by the enthusiasm and interest you display.